Japanese Squeeze (Squishy) plush toy
Why don’t you import Japanese plush toys that look delicious and cute?
Squeeze (Squishy) mascot is popular now in Japan.
Squeeze (Squishy) is like a soft sponge made from foamed urethane. As its name suggests, it is a toy you play squashing.
You have probably heard the word “Squeeze (Squishy)” and seen but have you ever actually touched?
Let’s take a look what squeeze (Squishy) is.
Here is a squeeze (Squishy) of melon bread.
It looks real, isn’t it?
And here is the turtle melon bread squeeze (Squishy).
It looks delicious and also cute.
And here is other animal melon bread squeeze (Squishy).
Besides such things, there is also a squeeze (Squishy) that looks like bread.
There is also a squeeze (Squishy) of pancakes.
Well, does it make you hungry, doesn’t it?
Not just bread, there are squeeze rice cakes as well.
Touch and stretch it, enjoy the feelings. There are many other things, so please contact us from here.