Japanese Snacks Updates
Japanese snacks. Doesn’t those words make you get excited?? I do cause I LOVE snacks haha
Hello, everyone! Welcome to another Musuvi’s blog! We hope you guys had an amazing week last week and during the weekend as well! We have some exciting news regarding Japanese snacks!
Winter is gone and now the season of spring is on its way! Do you know what that means?? It means that new snacks or limited edition snacks are going to be released anytime soon!!!! If you want to learn more about new/limited edition snacks don’t hesitate reaching out to us!
BY THE WAY, my favorite snack is a chocolate snack called “Alfort” from a company called Bourbon. It is a chocolate snack with a biscuit coated with creamy milk chocolate on top. It is so good to ne honest it is an ADDICTION! I’ve been purchasing this product since I was in elementary school, but I even still do so tillt his day!
If you have any other questions besides that are explain above such as the ingredients that are used, or how are they produced, please feel free to contact us from this link! https://www.musubi-jp.com/blog/contact/