Are you looking for high quality origami wholesaler?
Have you ever been asked following questions from a wholesale dealer who handles origami, retail store and customers?
“Is there a high-quality origami for gifts?”
“Is this made in Japan?”
“Is Japanese Origami come with English translations of folding instructions?”
Origami is getting popular all over the world.
As Origami become popular, more and more customers are requesting “high-quality Origami products”.
Even our company also have received orders of origami from overseas dealers (wholesalers, retailers) since December to January.
It seems that people who want to use handmade origami as a material for wrapping or Valentine’s merchandise are increasing, so often we receive questions like above from the dealers.
If you are looking for a wholesaler of Origami and find our blog, please feel free to contact us here.
If you search words such as “How to fold origami” here is an instruction of a three-dimensional Origami heart.
Decorate Valentine’s cards and boxes with Origami!