Anime and Convenience Stores in Japan
What comes to mind when you think of Japan?
There may be food, temples and shrines, amusement parks, anime, convenience store and many other things.
In this time, we will introduce some of these convenience stores.
About Convenience Stores.
The definition of a convenience store in Japan is mainly a retail store that is open 24 hours a day and sells a wide range of products from food to sundries.
But Japan’s convenience stores are not the only ones.
What else we can do?
① Can pay utility bills and taxes.
② Able to send and receive packages.
③ Tickets can be purchased for events and sports games.
④ Eat-in is available. (select stores)
⑤ Use of copy machines and issuance of various documents (e.g., family registers)
Anime events will also be held.

As you can see in the image, convenience stores sometimes collaborate with anime to change their store interiors and sell unusual and rare anime items.
This time blog is about Anime and Convenience Stores.
When you visit Japan, there may be some anime collaborations, so be sure to visit various convenience stores.
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